World Mental Health Day 2022

YouthActionNI held a World Mental Health day conference at their Belfast Rainbow Factory on 10th October 2022.

This was a networking event for local youth and community workers organised around the theme of ‘making mental health for all a global priority’.

This event brought together members of voluntary and community sector organizations with PPR, Active Communities Network and NI Youth Forum all delivering workshops to share and discuss resources and approaches to dealing with mental health in young people.

YouthActionNI showcased the work of their LifeMaps model. OUR Generation Youth Worker Dean Farquhar led participants through some of the activities that have been successful in engaging young men to build positive mental fitness and well-being.

You can watch a short interview with the organisers Michael McKenna and Mary Jo Reid, who are part of YouthAction NI’s OUR Generation team, below.






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This project is supported the European Union's PEACE IV Programme, managed by the Special EU Programmes Body (SEUPB)

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